Favorite algorithmns to 'hello world' a language

11 Aug 2016

I think the best algorithms to try on a new language must be simple, well understood and quickly implementable. The algorithms I always try on a new language are factorial and fibonacci. I like to implement them in several different ways, with different performances so I can explore the power and expressiveness of that language.

As an example, here are some implementations of the fibonacci algorithm, in Python.

A recursive implementation. Performance is O(2N), horrible, but it’s the clearer implementation:

def fibonacci(n):
	if n == 0 or n == 1:
		return n
		return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

The recursive implementation is simply a transcription of the mathematical definition. I like to start with the simplest implementation to getting acquainted with the language.

An iterative implementation. Better performance, O(N), and it’s yet a simple implementation:

def fibonacci(n):
	elem1, elem2 = (0, 1)
	for i in range(n):
		elem1, elem2 = (elem2, elem1 + elem2)
	return elem1

It would be possible not to calculate elem2 (one element ahead of the needed), but I think it’s good enough.

Fibonacci with memoization, using a class (Performance is O(N) but can be close to the performance of getting a dictionary item, O(1), if it’s used several times to generate the elements of the fibonacci series):</h4>

class Fibonacci(object):
	_cache = { 0: 0, 1: 1 }

	def __call__(self, n):
		return self._fib(n)

	def _fib(self, n):
		if n in self._cache.keys():
			return self._cache[n]
			self._cache[n] = self._fib(n - 1) + self._fib(n - 2)
			return self._cache[n]

fibonacci = Fibonacci()

The object ‘fibonacci’ can be used as a normal function, but it saves the results in a dictionary, so that when it’s called again, it checks if the result is already calculated and returns it, instead of calculating it again.

Fibonacci using a decorator for memoization. It has the same performance characteristics of the last example, with the advantage of being easier to read and being easier to reuse the memoization function:

def memoize(f):
	cache = {}
	def decorated_function(*args):
		if args in cache:
			return cache[args]
			cache[args] = f(*args)
			return cache[args]
	return decorated_function

def fibonacci(n):
	if n < 2:
		return n
		return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

It’s a better implementation than the last one, because it allows us to use the first example (the clearer one) for fibonacci while having a great performance and keeping the concepts orthogonal, that is, we have completely separate implementations for fibonacci and for memoization. You could call it aspect oriented programming.


No conclusions. What are your favorite algorithms to try on new languages?